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The Nursing Collective

with Theresa Steckel

Each month in The Nursing Collective you’ll get:


A new interactive workshop each month plus a minimum of 1 coaching call per week with Theresa as your coach.


A collection of the courses we teach and related content organized by topic so you can easily find help with any area of your life.


Ask any question anytime and we will answer you back.


14 Day TRIAL. THEN $450/YEAR

  • SAVE $150/YEAR
  • EARLY BIRD RATE EXPIRES August 30th ($400/YEAR)






Hey There, I’m Theresa

We all have our story right? The one we tell ourselves over and over. Like you, I’ve been through all the things. I learned how to care for children with cancer, comfort moms who were learning to care for children with rare genetic disorders, I’ve watched patients die (most of them children). 

I have been in an executive leadership position for more than decade. I’ve persevered through organizational mergers, watched my entire executive team turn over and of course COVID.

I’m also a human… Through all that I was navigating a difficult relationship with my spouse, raising babies and teenagers, watching people I love struggle with drug and alcohol addiction, and navigating loss and death. My mom, brother & nephew died, my spouse was unfaithful… seriously… all the things.

My husband and I went through an extremely challenging point in our marriage. We saw counselors both individually and together. I sought advice from my physician, was on anti-depressants. And it all helped. But, something was still missing. Although our marriage had SURVIVED, I was still unhappy. I felt a lot of anger and resentment. We still argued more than we wanted to. Our kids were basically “handling’ us.

I didn’t know HOW TO BE HAPPY. And then I discovered my first Life Coach. The concepts were based on actual SCIENCE and so EASY to understand. I could not believe we weren’t teaching this stuff in Nursing School. Boundaries became easier, GUILT FREE “no’s”, I enjoyed my work, my kids, my husband more than I ever had. And I became I obsessed with a dream to share this work with EVERY nurse in the WORLD.

I’m so excited to finally bring this work to you, my colleagues.

The Nursing Collective is for you if you want to learn:

Managing Emotions

Feelings are for feeling. A lot of people are teaching this but very few teach you the process for feeling them. In the Nursing Collective you’ll learn how to process feelings in a healthy way. You will be blown away at how life changing this skill is. Imagine what would change if you weren’t afraid of any feeling?

Handling Relationship Challenges

Let’s face it. People can be challenging. Patients, our boss, even the ones we love. But your happiness doesn’t have to be dependent on anyone outside of you. You can be loving and happy even when they’re not with the tools we’ll teach you in the Nursing Collective. And we’ll be here to help you apply them along the way.

How to Achieve Any Goal

Yes I said that. Any goal. If you have the desire to achieve something you have the capacity to as well. Coaching can help you sift through the fear and overwhelm and be accountable to yourself to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. Whether it’s money, health, relationships or any other goal, we are here for you. Very few people achieve success alone. We’ve got you.

How to Be More Positive

It is your brain’s default state to judge other people and criticize yourself as well. But you don’t have to operate on default. You can learn to have more positive thoughts creating more positive results. There is nothing wrong with you. There is simply a more peaceful and fun way to live. We’ll help you get there.

What’s included in my membership?

Virtual Workshops Taught by Theresa

Each month in The Nursing Collective we choose a new focus that’s kicked off with a 60 min. virtual workshop. Come live or catch it via replay. This is where we take concepts and apply them to real life and see real progress.

Virtual Coaching Calls

Attend weekly group coaching calls led by Theresa. Bring your questions and get coached or learn from listening. Everything is posted to watch at your convenience and uploaded to the membership portal.

Individual Help From a Coach Anytime

With our “Ask a Coach” page you can send in personal questions anonymously anytime and get help with your specific challenges. This written form of coaching transforms clients’ lives without them having to come onto a live call.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have the A’s for your Q’s.

Do I have to be a nurse to join?

Nope. While many of my clients are nurses or work in healthcare, we welcome people of all career fields, ages, genders, and backgrounds and we love the diversity. Furthermore, you will be able to apply the tools to your situation no matter what. If you like Theresa’s approach you’ll love The Nursing Collective.

Can my spouse/teens use the program?

Absolutely. One membership per household is our policy so anyone in your home can watch courses or get coached.

Can I pay for the year in full?

Yes. Choose the annual option when you register (or notify us if you want to switch from monthly to annual). You’ll save over $100 with this option.

How easy is it to cancel?

So easy. You’ll simply click the link and submit your name, email and choose from a list of reasons (to help us improve the program) and your account will be cancelled. We hope you’ll stay but we’re not trying to trick anyone into it who isn’t the right fit.

How long will I have access to the content?

As long as you’re in The Nursing Collective you’ll have access. Think of it like the gym. The machines and classes are always available to you to strengthen your mental and emotional health.

When is the right time to start if I'm super busy?

Think of this like Netflix. There are lots of options available and you COULD spend all day learning it but you for sure don’t need to. One call all week will literally change your life and you can listen at your convenience. All calls will be available in the membership.

Can I get coached privately?

We do most things in a group coaching setting because we’ve found that to be most effective for everyone. That said, Theresa offers a 1:1 coaching program for Nurse Leaders. E-mail theresa@theresasteckel.com to learn more.

Don’t put your happiness off one more day.

By this time next year you’ll wonder what changed.
The answer will be nothing… and EVERYTHING.
Doors open now and close August 1st